Unknown Taiwanese BL Drama Part 1
The story about four beautiful human beings, Qian,Yuan, Lili and San Pang and how their family teaches us about selfless love and devotion towards each other.

Show: Unknown
Director: Ray Jiang/Rui Zhi Jiang
Writer: Cai Fei Qiao
Adapted from the web novel “Da Ge” (Big Brother) by Priest.
Cast: Chris Chiu, Xuan (Kurt Huang), Tammy Lin, Kim Jae-hoon, Danny Liang, Yankee Yang, Sam Lin, Justin Chang, Prince Chiu, Max Kuo, Edward Jhu (Zhu You Cheng), Juan Po Hao, Calvin Tsou, Linda Lin, Alisia Liang and others.
About the show:
Ge – Brother
This story is about “Da Ge” (Big Brother), the selfless man who changed the lives of his family and the people around him.
Wei Qian, a young boy, orphaned at an early age, becomes the guardian and provider of his younger sister Wei Lili. One day, he finds another abandoned orphan boy in the deserted alleyway near his home and out of kindness offers him food. The abandoned boy, grows fond of Qian and starts to follow him home. At the house, upon Lili’s request, Qian adopts the younger boy and gives him a home, a family and a name –Wei Zhi Yuan.
The Wei family now consists of three young kids with no one to provide for them. Soon, Qian starts working under a gang of goons, headed by Le, doing odd jobs and being a part of bouts in return for money and survival. As the three siblings grow older, the situation with the goons goes out of hand with Qian getting physically assaulted on multiple occasions.
San Pang, Qian’s closest friend intervenes and requests Qian to change his path and to pull himself out from under Le. San Pang offers Qian, Lili and Yuan one of his parents' house to live in and that too without ever increasing the rent.
Qian now works odd jobs to provide for Lili, Yuan and himself. His life from being tough gets tougher but he never complains and becomes the breadwinner of his family. He finishes his studies early and along with San Pang and Xiong sets up a game development company named HOT and manages to succeed in life. He continues to take care of his grown up siblings.
Life and things have changed for Lili and Yuan. They have grown up amidst love and care from their brother. They have also grown up with their respective interests. Lili, now an aspiring model, is in love with San Pang and Yuan, a University student, is in love with his adopted brother, Qian. A sudden drunken confession by Yuan to Qian causes a rift between the brothers and Qian decides to send Yuan away to the US for higher studies, in an attempt to have Yuan change his interest in him. Yuan is now away from home and Qian is lonely without Yuan.
Will this distance make Qian and Yuan grow apart and change Yuan’s feelings for Qian? Or Will Yuan’s return to home be the beginning to a new life for the Wei family and San Pang? Is love on the cards for these four lost souls? How will the change in their relationships change them as individuals?
Is Qian ready to open his heart to Yuan’s unwavering love for him? Is “De Ge”, the selfless man that he is, ready to receive in return all the love, kindness and care that he has poured into the world?
Multiple questions but only One answer – Unknown.
(*This review may contain spoilers. If you have already watched the show, please continue reading. If you haven’t watched the show yet, you can still continue reading or you can come back to the review later.)
(**All images taken from Unknown Official )
What I loved about the show:
Details in the show that I loved:
1) Qian and Yuan's eyes and the change in the texture of their voice:
Chris and Xuan have this beautiful ability to change the emotion in their eyes in a fraction of a second. Their eyes have so much to say and emote. They talk to us through their eyes.
At the end of episode 8, When Yuan gently cups Qian’s face to ask about their relationship, Qian’s eyes which were lost and worried just a minute before immediately turn red and teary. The quick change in the emotion in his eyes based on the emotion in his heart is so mesmerising to watch.
Whenever Qian is overcome with any emotion, there is a change in the texture of his voice while speaking.
For example, Episode 2:
Qian (monologue) - People come and go in our lives. It’s fortunate to have someone to stay by our side, isn’t it?
This monologue gives me a sense of comfort because of Chris’s voice. There is calmness in his voice with an addition of a slight giggle that shows how pure and kind he is.
In episode 10, while talking to San Pang about Yuan and himself, Qian says that he is terrified. I love the quiver of his voice while saying that. It shows the pain in his heart and the fear that is lingering.
Chris has the ability to make the viewers feel exactly how he is feeling with his eyes and his voice.
The scene in episode 6 when Yuan and a drunk Qian are talking to each other about Yuan’s love interest, Yuan’s eyes are completely teary. He is looking directly at the love of his life but cannot act on it and Qian’s obliviousness to it all is painful for him. His eyes gave away just how much his heart ached.
Yuan’s teary eyes when he's leaving the house at the end of episode 6, his eyes filled with surprise and love when Qian gifts him a wallet on his birthday in episode 4 are other examples of just how skilfully Xuan is using his eyes.
Whenever Yuan is narrating his monologue or is talking to Qian, there is a change in his voice. Sometimes there is gentleness and calmness in his voice and sometimes there is a slight sadness in his voice.
Xuan is like a jukebox of emotions. The minute the scene changes, the emotion in his eyes and the texture in his voice also changes.
2) In Episode 8, after Yuan returns home, Xiong, Qian, San Pang and Yuan are at the table having dinner. While trying to strike up a conversation with Yuan at the table, San pang's face is full of guilt. His expression gives it away. There is a slight twist in the facial features to express his guilt and that precision is praiseworthy. His entire demeanour and his face shifts and without a single word being uttered, we understand that San Pang is being careful to begin his conversation with Yuan and it is because of his guilt of sending him away to the US.
In the same episode (8), When Lili comes into the house and finds all her brothers chatting away, she tells them she is extremely hungry and hasn’t eaten anything.
I love San pang's immediate reaction of twisting on the footrest/ottoman when Lili says this. He is immediately concerned because -
(i) He is dating her
(ii) He has always taken care of her since she was a child just like Qian and Yuan have.
But after Qian offers to feed Lili, San pang relaxes in his seat knowing her brother will take care of her.
He doesn’t give it away to Qian about his and Lili’s relationship but his concern is very obvious.
The little details here are so beautiful to watch.
Kim Jae-hoon is a master of subtlety. His ability to play with his expressions when there is no dialogue is commendable. All we have to do is pay attention to him and the subtle ways in which he gives away what is going on in his mind to the viewers. This is what I love about his acting.
3) Episode 4:
San pang watches a love-struck Yuan admiring his wallet gifted by Qian. He is wondering how this gift made him melt more than the other gifts. He begins to suspect Yuan's feelings for Qian. All this is visible to the viewers not because of dialogues but because of mere expressions and Kim Jae Hoon did a brilliant job at the subtle change in his facial features.
4) Episode 4 and Episode 8: The relation:
In episode 4, Yuan and Qian are going on a fishing trip.
Yuan surprises Qian by pulling the seat belt for him. Qian is startled by the closeness.
In episode 8, Yuan and Qian are back in the car for their 2nd fishing trip.
Yuan doesn’t initiate anything but throws a loving look towards Qian. Qian is quick to realise and immediately pulls his own seat belt before Yuan could move towards him.
Yuan is successful. He doesn’t need to initiate anything anymore. He has already planted the seed a long time ago. It is working now.
This connection between the two scenes shows the change in their relationship. Things have started to change in Qian’s heart because he gets flustered easily now when before Qian used to push Yuan away for being too clingy.
5) Episode 3:
Yuan is gazing lovingly at Qian who is talking beside him about studying abroad. He is absorbing Qian's details. He is mesmerised by Qian and is drowned in the love he has for him.
This is the main scene and the focus is on Yuan.
In the meantime, Qian is continuing to mumble to himself about the topic of study abroad. He is continuing the act of talking even though the scene is about Yuan's gaze at Qian. This detail is another beautiful addition.
6) If you are a fan of the Behind the Scenes videos just like me, you would have observed that there are many scenes that have been shot in the same location but are for different timelines. This is given away in the BTS videos but also because of their attire.
For Example-
The two fishing trips were shot on the same day. They just changed their attires in between the shots. I am awestruck at the change in the personalities that Xuan and Chris have brought. To act as their younger selves for one minute and change their personalities to show that it’s been four years since the last trip is fascinating to me. The skill they hold as actors to be able to pull off the same characters with different personalities based on different timelines on the same day is admirable.
7) HOT, Qian’s company stands for Home of Three – I love the name. The creativity is top notch. Three bosses who started the company.
Home of three as in the three of us - says Xiong. His acknowledgement that it’s always the three and that’s the way it is. The three pillars of HOT - Xiong, San Pang and Qian.
8) The way Qian's eyes are always searching for Yuan. He is always concerned for Yuan. There is no denying. Since the day Qian gave Yuan the bread as an abandoned child, their bond was sealed. Qian and Yuan have this bond between each other that is unbreakable. They are always looking after and for each other. They have eyes only for each other.
9) Episode 6 with Wei Qian and Miss Feng Ning :
I am proud of Qian for clarifying his interest to Miss Feng Ning. He wants to keep his business and his personal matters separate. He apologises for not being able to reciprocate her feelings and for not being able to give her what she expects, that is love.
Upon being asked the reason by Ms Feng, Qian gives an answer that is my absolut favourite.
Qian - The most important people in my life are my younger brother and sister.
And I am prouder of Miss Feng Ning for being so open minded about the whole scenario. She takes the rejection so well. No ill feelings, no damage to either party, Only genuine kindness for one another. The business will not be affected because of the fall out in their personal relationship.
My Favourite Scenes:
1 ) Special Mention: (My most favourite scene from the show)

Episode 7 - Qian cleaning Yuan's room:
The scene feels very intimate.
All this is only between them. Qian does all this with Yuan in his mind. He cleans Yuan's room, changes the light bulb, takes care of his cactus, and cleans the sheets. If this is not love then what is. The acts of service that feels like Qian telling Yuan - I do it for you and only for you. This is the intimacy I crave to see. Nobody has made Qian feel the way Yuan has. Qian is vulnerable around Yuan, he gives in to Yuan's requests and orders, he is devoted to him, he is always concerned for his wellbeing, he is always on the lookout for him, he has surrendered to Yuan and his will a very long time ago, without him realising.
The episode begins with him closing the door to Yuan's room. And then after the talk with Xiong, he realises something. He realises that he has a relationship with Yuan that he doesn’t have to understand for now. It’s his love and affection for Yuan that he needs to understand and that is important. Nobody needs to understand that.
설명할 필요없어, 이해할 필요도 없는 상황 - there's no need to explain, there's no need to understand.
This is one of the most beautifully executed scenes. Qian’s first entry into the room and he touches the dust on the table. He reads the letter that Yuan leaves for him. But his mind is still troubled and then he has a talk with Xiong, which changes his mind and heart. He decides to do what he knows he is best at, that is service to his brother, to his family. The scene goes as follows - He enters the room, he cleans the dust on the table, he waters the cactus, changes the light bulb, vacuums the room and changes the sheets on Yuan's bed. At the end after he changes the sheets, he walks over to the table, switches on the lamp, takes one final look at the room, and after being satisfied with what he sees, gives a nod and a tap on the table. The dusting of the fingers after touching the specks of dust on the table, the scowl on the face and the flinch after removing the dusty sheets, the nod at the end of the completion of work – these are the intricate details I loved. Chris was just brilliant in this scene.
And the camera blurring the background and panning to the back to life cactus on the table representing Qian's change in life.
Serving someone like what Qian did in the above-mentioned scene is one of the biggest forms of service. You do all this without anyone’s notice. The hard work remains hidden. You are selfless in your service and are not expecting anything in return. The highest form of service is selfless service.
After Yuan moves away to the US, Qian drinks because he misses Yuan. He drinks till he can forget everything and to ease the pain in his heart, to ease the pain of missing Yuan. But after talking to Xiong, he realises that if he misses Yuan he can ease his pain with service, the best form of selfless love. He finds Yuan's presence in his room, in his things and in his belongings. By shutting the door to that room, he is just trying to run away from the problem at hand. So he opens the door, acknowledges everything - Yuan's importance in his life, the impact of his absence and the pain of missing him. Then he pushes and throws himself at keeping Yuan's room clean and tidy, one activity at a time. Keeping himself busy with this eases his pain and helps him keep Yuan close to him. This way of service can help Qian. He can miss Yuan but also keep him close.
Yuan and Qian's love language for each other - acts of service. They allow only each other to take care of them. The comfort, the trust and the love they have for each other is immeasurable.
2) (My second Favourite Scene)

Episode 10 - Qian and San Pang talking about Yuan and Qian’s relationship and Yuan overhearing it from the stairs above:
This is a very important scene for me from the show. This scene with its dialogue by Qian – “I’m terrified, did you know that?” was part of the mini trailer that was released in February 2024. I had not known the context of the scene or the episode in which it would be released. But since that day I have been waiting patiently for this scene. This one dialogue broke me inside and brought me to this show. This scene has that power.
San Pang is explaining to Qian about how no matter how much they have tried, Yuan’s love for Qian doesn’t waver. He stands firm on his feelings. The four years that they had sent him away only brought him back with stronger feelings for Qian. San Pang goes on to explain that he himself was terrified of giving in to a relationship with Lili since he thought it was not the right thing to do. He had seen her grow up in front of him and he was scared to face Qian thinking this would betray their friendship. But after being in denial for sometime, San Pang had realised that Lili was someone who was putting him before herself and was offering to give him love for a lifetime and just because of fear, he didn’t want to live with the regret of not trying.
San Pang explains to Qian that he and Yuan are the same. They only have each other. Yuan loves Qian and Qian loves Yuan and there was nothing wrong in giving in to that love.
The scene below moved me to tears in just a span of a few seconds. Chris Chiu just stole my heart here. There was pain, love and emotions in this entire scene packed to the fullest.
Qian – Do you know what my biggest wish is? My biggest wish is for them to be happy.
San Pang – Mine is the same.
Qian – I just want them to grow up healthy and happy because I’m their big brother.
San Pang – We grew up together. You don’t think I know how hard life’s been on you. But you know Yuan’s feelings for you are different. We tried everything. We even sent him abroad for years. You were miserable every day. You love him and he loves you. Even if you are not together, he’ll be sad to see you sad.
Qian – “I’m terrified, did you know that?”
San Pang – What are you scared of?
Qian – You know he went to see Le all by himself that day. He was surrounded and beaten by six people and in the end, they pointed a gun at……
This isn’t a decision I can make so lightly. I have to consider the future.
San Pang – Do you want him to have a future without you?
The quiver and tremble in Qian’s voice was audible. The fear in him at the thought of his siblings and their wellbeing and at the thought of losing even one of them was evident. Qian is a wonderful brother. No, I would say he is the best brother. To be selfless to the point where all that matters is your siblings is not easy and it is the best quality in the eyes of God. Qian, you have done everything, for yourself, for your siblings and their life. You have done it all. We see you.
This scene was one of the most emotional scenes for me from the entire show. It shows how strong Qian is yet how vulnerable he can be at the thought of his siblings. Chris just nailed the scene. The depth and range of emotions that he brought to the scene has rendered me speechless. This scene for me will go on to be one of the best scenes I have watched in my entire life. The minute Qian goes –“ I just want them to grow up healthy and happy because I’m their big brother” and "I'm scared, you know?", I was bawling my eyes out. Every time I watch this scene, the tears don't stop. There was a quiver to the texture of his voice. Qian was trying to hold back his tears and suppress his emotions but he was almost choking on his words as they left his mouth. To bring that level of emotion requires experience, skill, talent and dedication. And Chris Chiu proved that he is one of a kind. I am proud of you Chris Chiu for what you have managed to deliver.
3) Episode 10 - Yuan walks out of the house after overhearing Qian and San Pang's conversation and Qian follows him:

Qian finds Yuan at the top of the stairs and realises that he has overheard his conversation with San Pang. Yuan walks out of the house. Yuan is not angry, he is just overcome with emotions. But Qian is scared. He is scared that his words have torn Yuan’s heart. Qian runs after him and you see Qian’s eyes full of fear, fear of losing Yuan.
This scene is another masterpiece for me.
Yuan is not angry with Qian. He knows it is not easy for Qian to feel the same way he does and this quick. But he had remained hopeful. The overheard conversation for Yuan felt like Qian was closing the doors on him. And he needed to be away to gather his thoughts and emotions; hence he was trying to walk away from Qian.
I appreciate Qian for his honesty in this scene. He was clear that he had watched Yuan grow up in front of him and although he has feelings for Yuan, he cannot immediately turn all that into romantic love. He was honest that he doesn’t understand all that is happening to him. He doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings and how to bring himself to give in to Yuan’s requests and his love. He was honest for being scared and for holding back. He knew all this hurt Yuan but he couldn’t lie about his fears and inhibitions.
I believe Yuan’s persistence was what ultimately made Qian realise that he wants to be with Yuan just as much as Yuan wants it. This scene was beautiful. Yuan looked lost. He thought even after all the efforts he stood no chance. Qian looked lost too. He thought he had broken Yuan’s heart with his fears. They were honest with each other about their fears, feelings, thoughts and emotions that they were carrying at that exact moment. This honesty ultimately yielded results. They finally gave in to the love. Love won over fear that day.
Love always wins.
4) Episode 11 - The scene where Qian cries and talks to Yuan about his ailment at the alleyway:

This is another magnificent scene. The fear in Qian and the assurance of Yuan is what makes them beautiful together. When Yuan and Lili were young, Qian made sure to raise them to live fearlessly. When they were scared of the world out there, he assured them with comfort and love that he was there to protect them. He always stood strong by their side. To watch the same Qian breaking down in front of him breaks Yuan’s heart.
Yuan: Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid of the cracks. It’s where the light comes in.
Qian is the most scared he has ever been. He is scared that something might happen to him because of his ailment. He is scared that after having the toughest life he has to go through a tougher time with his ailment. He is scared that he might do exactly what his mother did to him when he was young, that is bring Lili and Yuan down with him as he crumbles. He is scared that if something might happen to him, it would leave Yuan and Lili with a tough life just like he had to go through when his mother fell ill. He is scared, utterly and completely. He is scared to the point that he asks Yuan to let him go if something happens to him.
This was the breaking point for Yuan.
Yuan was fine with Qian being vulnerable or scared but he cannot watch his brother resign to misery. He wants his brother to be strong just like he was when they were growing up. Qian has had a tough life but not once did he give up. But now, he was doing exactly that and Yuan would not have it. After finally having Qian to himself, Yuan was not ready to be pushed away or given up on.
Yuan – Do you know how much it hurts to see you resign to fate just like that? Do you know how much it hurts when you say things like that?
Wei Qian, look at me. From now on you’ll do what needs to be done. I’ll always be with you.
As San Pang says, Yuan is the only one who stands unwaveringly by Qian’s side. Qian needs Yuan by his side and that’s where Yuan will be. The love they have for each other is unmatched and unwavering and nothing in this world could break them apart, neither an ailment nor fear.
Characters, Actors, Director, Writer and Author:

The Characters and the Actors:
Qian: When you are an abandoned orphan yourself, tirelessly striving to survive one day at a time, and you have the heart and ability to bring home another abandoned orphan and raise him as your own and give him a home, God knows you are his best child. Qian, you are a man with a golden heart.
Qian was a child himself but he took it upon himself the responsibilities of his siblings. He made sure they had no fears, no worries and that there was no shortage of anything in their lives. He made sure that he remained fearless, so he could take care of Lili and then of Yuan when came into his life.
Qian lives for his family. Nothing is more important to him than his brother and his sister. Qian is one of the most selfless characters I have come across. He doesn’t want anything for himself. All he wants is for Yuan and Lili to be happy and healthy.
Qian (monologue) - People come and go in our lives. It’s fortunate to have someone to stay by our side, isn’t it?
Chris Chiu - You are a gift to us. You have shown us not just talent and skills as an actor but also dedication, devotion and perseverance. Your strength is infectious.
You were born to play Qian. The way Yuan and Lili feel safe and secure in Qian's presence, Xuan and Tammy have felt the same way and it shows how you are as a human being. You are a nurturer. When all of us related to Yuan as being the one abandoned and in love with you, I was wondering what it was to be Qian and what it was to have someone like Qian. It would be a blessing. That is how I feel about you Chris. You are gentle, calm and collected and we love that about you. To walk this earth fearlessly knowing that Qian stands behind Yuan and Lili, strong and resilient and for Xuan, Tammy and Kim Jae-hoon to have you, Chris have their backs as an older brother is reassuring and comforting.
18 years in the industry, your ups and downs, your struggles, we see it all Sir. We see you, we feel you and we are here for you. And God is saying to you that these 18 years were a preparation for the greatness you are about to experience now onwards. I pray to God that as a reward for the 18 years, the next 80 years, all you see in blessings, miracles and opportunities.
Yuan: Yuan doesn't think that he owes anything to Qian for taking him in all those years ago. He's just a young boy who fell in love with the older boy who gave him a home, a family. He knows that he wants to do everything to take care of his Ge.
He could have turned into a brat or someone who would mooch off of his Ge but instead he worked hard to catch up with Qian. He even gained knowledge in the field that Qian is interested in so that he could always be of help to his Ge. Anything that seems like a burden to Qian, Yuan wants to take it off of his shoulders and wipe out his troubles. He wants to make sure his Ge knows how much he values him being given a home and a family when the world turned its back on him.
Anything for Qian - Yuan's motto in life.
Yuan wants to give Qian everything. He wants Qian to rely on him. He wants Qian to find a home in him (Yuan). He wants Qian to feel cherished, loved and cared for. He wants Qian to feel all the love he has in his heart for him and wants to give him that love. Qian is Yuan's home, his family. All he wants is to be the same for Qian. He wants to be Qian’s home, his forever.
His dream, his life, his everything can be summarised in just two words - Wei Qian.
Yuan about Qian (inner monologue) - You gave me a home. A home with you in it.
I don't know when it started but my world only revolves around that person.
You are not alone. I'll always be here.
Xuan- You are a miracle. As Yuan, you made us laugh with you, cry with you, fall in love with you, and fall in love with Qian. You have brought Yuan to life and given us a present that we will cherish for life. Even with your injury, low periods in life and setbacks, you have managed to find hope and courage in this world and decided to never give up on your dreams. To watch you grow and achieve your dreams is inspiring to us. When I see you, I see a boy who is filled with joy, love and innocence. I love the kindness that you have and the respect you show towards the people around you.
Even as Xuan, you have brought so much joy and laughter in our lives and we hope that your life is filled with just as much goodness as you give to the world. Happiness looks good on you and I pray and hope that now and forever all you find is more happiness, success, growth and the best of the best.
Chris and Xuan - I have seen talented actors, skilful actors, hardworking actors and superstars. But you are who I would call beautiful and life transforming actors. Every minute of you on screen, you exuded beauty. And every scene that you performed, you have transformed my life in a tremendous way. My heart is full today and I will hold this show and you two very close to my heart for as long as possible.
Lili: Lili is a people's person. She lives a life where she loves the world and the world loves her back. She is the best.
Yuan and Qian are known to be the ones who hide their feelings. They are not the communicators of the Wei family. This job is Lili's. She is the mediator. She is the one addressing the situations. Even when Qian and Yuan are not on talking terms, Lili urges Qian to resolve his differences with Yuan, especially before Yuan is leaving for the US.
She is stuck in a situation where most times she doesn’t know what’s going on in her family. Why her brothers aren’t talking to each other or are fighting all of a sudden. She is unaware about the situation between her brothers, but she chooses to take the initiative to patch things up between them, have them talk to each other before it all blows up and gets too serious. She is filled with goodness in her heart. And Yuan is right about her. Lili is smart, extremely smart. She doesn’t take decisions lightly. She knows what she wants and goes after it.
She made sure to live her life well, a gift to her brother, Qian. She is silently always concerned for her brothers, making sure they both are happy in their lives.
Lili is the glue to the Wei Family. She's the one who keeps them close and secure. Qian was the one who found Yuan and was kind to him, but Lili was the one who let him in, into their lives, into their home. God sent Qian and Yuan into each other's lives and Lili was the medium for their togetherness.
Tammy - You were a part of a show that had three incredibly talented, hard working and good-looking men. But to stand out and pull the attention amidst all that proves how incredibly talented and hardworking you are. You are a crowd puller. Your presence in the show has made it 10x better and I want you to know you are one of a kind.
Tammy, you are the one who bound this whole thing together. The show, the characters and the actors. Whenever I get the opportunity to observe you behind the scenes, I find a girl in you who is confident about herself. You are the silent kind but when it’s your time, you shine and glitter like a star. You are an incredible listener and observer and I have seen that in most interviews of yours and to have you among the cast is a blessing for the show.

San Pang: San Pang is one person who has unwavering love and loyalty towards Qian. He has always been a pillar of strength for the Wei family, holding onto the broken pieces of their hearts and bringing them closer and mending their wounds, scars and hearts when they need it the most. His part time job is to take care of the Wei brothers' hearts.
San pang was a miracle that happened to the Wei family. He transformed their lives in ways we cannot imagine. He is a man with a gigantic heart. He is selfless beyond measure. He was the only one aware of all the secrets and situations happening in the Wei Family.
San Pang is not just Qian's friend. He is also Yuan's older brother, just like Qian is. His views may not always be right. But he wants the best for Qian and for Yuan as well. He takes the time and effort to make Yuan and Qian understand each other. He always wants the best for the Wei brothers. He is the peacemaker for the Wei family.
He has also been loyal, loving, kind and caring towards Lili. He has taken care of her since she was young, always gave her the time and attention that she deserves, took care of her when her brothers were busy with their problems and at the right time, he has also managed to shower her with love and respect that she deserves. He is genuinely one of the best things to have happened to Qian, Yuan and Lili.
Kim Jae-hoon : Kim Jae-hoon was the one who brought all the characters to life. I admire your work and you are immensely talented. You have the ability to express and emote beyond words. You know how to change dynamics between people, both as your character and as an individual.
To move to a different country and make a mark for yourself in an industry that big and be admired and loved by fans, co-actors and the staff of your shows is all because of your hard work, determination and perseverance. You know you have created a place for yourself in the industry and in the hearts of the people is when the creator of the show himself says that after your performance in the show “My Tooth Your Love” he didn't want to let you go and that he wanted to have you in another show of his. He gives you “Unknown” and one of the biggest characters of the show, that is San Pang, and then goes on to improvise and change the role to fit you into it. Kim Jae-hoon, you have achieved something incredibly big.
You are talented beyond measure and that always comes across both on and offscreen. You are an inspiration to many of us.
I want to thank you for working incredibly hard for yourself and for us fans. I am turning into a huge admirer of your music and your lyrics. I look forward to the great heights you reach because of the greatness that lies in you.
My Favourite Family - Qian, Yuan, Lili and San Pang.
Xiong: Xiong is not just a partner or a colleague to Qian and San Pang. He is their older brother, who is always looking after them. His words have always had a lasting impact on Qian. It was Xiong and his words that pulled Qian out of his grieving phase when Yuan was sent to the US. Xiong always knows the right things to say to Qian. He is the only older brother Qian has and he, without an ounce of judgment or malice, with the best intentions and pure thoughts, takes care of Qian. I love the way he tries to explain things to an agitated Qian when he and San Pang are in the middle of a slight dispute and tries to diffuse the tension and mend the relationship between Qian and San Pang. He really is their older brother, who wants the best for his younger siblings.
Qian has always been the oldest in the family so he has to act like the older one, the one with responsibilities. But with Xiong, he can be the younger sibling who can rely on his older brother. He can throw tantrums and act like the younger one that he is with Xiong.
Xiong along with Qian and San Pang are always dramatic, chaotic and crazy. The three of them together on the screen have some of the most fun scenes.
Danny Liang: Danny Liang displays his experience as an actor in the show. The discipline in the acting, the finesse and the perfection in each scene are impeccable. He knows what the viewers want and gives them exactly that. The scenes with him are always packed with detailed acting. His performance is full of minute intricate expressions and perfect throw of dialogues. He is seamless when he is in his true element.
Le and Lin: Yankee Yang and Sam Lin as Le and Lin are an addition we didn’t know we would get and we didn’t know we needed. Le and Lin are absolutely crazy in their unique ways. In ways Qian didn’t know, Le and Lin have managed to support him and change his life forever. They made sure he lived a life he deserved, the best one. They looked after him silently and gave him everything he needed when he needed them. Yankee and Sam being their absolute best was a treat to watch.
Max Kuo, Edward Jhu, Juan Po Hao and Calvin Tsou: These four young boys deserve the world and so much more. I am in awe of the way they have poured themselves into bringing Young Yuan and Young Qian to life. These boys are extremely talented and dedicated to their craft. The range of emotions that they have displayed has made this show even more magical and beautiful than it is. They have an aura about themselves that grabs the viewer’s attention and pulls us to the show.
Max Kuo, what a talent you are and what a performance you have given. I was drawn to Yuan in ways and reasons unknown to me but the first and most important one that I do know is you. I love the way you have captured Yuan’s qualities and displayed them to perfection. Your dedication at matching Xuan’s vibe and resembling his performance, presence and perfection is what has made me admire you.
It was a surprise to see Prince Chiu in a supporting role in the show alongside his brother Chris Chiu. It was a beautiful moment to have you two share the screen.
The supporting cast have done an admirable job in bringing this show together and making it the beauty that it is.
I pray for all of you - for you to get success, good health and happiness. May you be blessed with the best of the best and that all your wants and needs are met. Sending love and positive energy your way.
Chris and Xuan - Nobody has broken and mended my heart as beautifully as you have. I have no complaints. The ache in my heart is a gift. Your eyes are a gift to the world. What you can emote with those beautiful eyes, your voice and your acting is beyond comprehension. You have my heart. Watching you on and off screen brings a level of peace to my heart that I never knew I needed.
Unknown is one of the most satisfying things to happen to me. You know the feeling when your heart is in pain and your chest is tightening, there is a huge lump the size of a baseball in your throat and your eyes are welling up with tears but as the seconds pass by the tears don’t fall, the lump won’t go down and the tightening in your chest won’t go away. It’s just all there stuck inside you but it's a feeling you are not willing to let go. I don’t know why. Unknown made me feel that way. The show made me feel love from start to end.
If ever you get another opportunity, I want you two, Chris and Xuan, to act together again in a show, movie or even another BL. It’s not just about the chemistry, which I know is electrifying. It’s just blazing, you are on fire, we are on fire and the screen is on Fire. But no, I want to see you again together because -When you are on screen together looking at each other it’s like catharsis for me. If I am in pain and I am watching you two on screen together, all my pain is dissipating. Catharsis. You take the pain out of me and let it dissipate into thin air. You are healing and cleansing me. Watching you two together is liberating and freeing. My heart craves for that.
Ray Jiang, Cai Fei Qiao, Pan Xin Hui (and the team): Thank you for your vision, for your dedication, for your execution and for bringing this beautiful piece to life. It is a masterpiece and a gift to all of us and we have you to thank. This show in every sense is like a blessing. Thank you for bringing together the most beautiful cast and and the most heartwarming script/story. Bringing “Da Ge” to life must have been a big dream and a mammoth of a task. But by transforming it into “Unknown” you have achieved that dream and made all of us proud to have been a part of this show and the journey.
Priest – Thank you for presenting the world with the beauty of "Da Ge" and for showing that love transcends all. Love is the greatest and the most beautiful and is perfect in all its forms.
OST is a piece of art. The soundtrack by Waji, Chris Chiu, Xuan and Kim Jae-hoon is the best addition for this show. The entire Soundtrack is just beautiful and breathtaking. Instead of distracting you from the show, the songs, the music and the lyrics connect you to the storyline.
Thank you to the Cast and Crew for your hard work, your dedication and your perfection. You have given us a blessing in the form of Unknown.
Thank you Chris Chiu, Xuan, Tammy Lin, Kim Jae-hoon, the supporting cast, Ray Jiang, Cai Fei Qiao, Pan Xin Hui for your constant determination and efforts to make this show the success it is today.
This show has made me feel so much, I cannot express the feeling in words. This is the first time I have written down this big of an essay on a show and its still not enough. I still have so much to say.
이 드라마에 대해서는 할 말이 많지만 일단 이쯤 하겠습니다. 지금 많은 감정을 느끼고 있는데, 천천히 제 생각과 감정도 모으고 다시 돌아와서 프로그램에 대한 더 많은 얘기를 나누도록 하겠습니다.
There's a lot to say about this drama, but I'll leave it at this for now. I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now, and I'll slowly gather my thoughts and feelings and come back to talk more about the program.
"Love doesn't need reason. It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart" - Deepak Chopra